How Do You Create a Digital Branding Strategy?

In order to keep up with competition in your market, everyone knows that brands need to engage with their customers. Therefore, it is important to have a solid digital branding strategy. The developments in technology and access to various social platforms has made this relatively easy. The problem lies in the strategy.

Digital Branding Strategy

A digital branding strategy should be providing the opportunity for customers to lead the way not the opposite way round. Today, brands need to be hyper-focused on delivering experiences rather than delivering messages. Brands need to perform and prove their worth through actions and delivering extraordinary experiences. Telling people what you do and do not do is no longer the most effective use of your consumers’ attention.

This strategy requires focus and a good deal of resources to get it right. If you want to get off on the right foot, here’s 4 simple things you can do to improve your digital strategy right now.

1. Prioritise Mobile.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it’s amazing how many businesses still only focus on desktop usability. Websites need to offer a user-friendly mobile experience. With the majority of digital eyeballs coming through mobile devices, it’s detrimental to your business not to deliver a mobile-friendly experience.

It is also worthwhile pointing out that Google ranks mobile-friendly websites higher in searches. To test the mobile-readiness of your site, check out Google’s mobile-friendly test.

2. Add Value To The User.

As a user, we are overwhelmed with content, and our attention spans have become increasingly shorter and more fickle. In order to win customer’s attention, engagement must be clear, simple and add value to the user. Ideally, businesses need to be monitoring what their customers are talking about (in the digital sense) and go from there.

3. Keep It Simple.

Whether you are providing information, promoting a product or asking for a sign up, your visitor should immediately see and understand what is expected of them. Then, when they land on your page they should see exactly what it is they were looking for. If they have to search for it by clicking around the website, (chances are they won’t) you’ll lose their attention. Also, any call to action should be incredibly easy to find and complete.

4. Website Is Best.

Many businesses feel that adding a mobile app to their digital branding strategy is important, but the truth is we have become overwhelmed with apps and do not need yet another one populating our home screen. A mobile responsive website design will more than suffice.

Instead, brands should look to take advantage of existing technologies and social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter where customers are already engaging.


Of course, an effective digital strategy requires time and effort, before even attempting one a business needs to know exactly what their goals are. Going at it alone is difficult, especially if you are inexperienced or unsure about what to do. That’s where experienced digital agencies prove their worth. AIM Internet can do all the legwork, creating a digital branding strategy tailored to the clients needs.

If you’re looking for digital marketing experts and are interested in how we can help put digital marketing to work for you in any other way, please email us on or call today on 0870 062 8760.

If you’re looking to grow your digital presence you may also be interested in reading about Google Adwords, Adwords Agency Midlands | What are Adwords?

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