Industry Data

How Many Marketing Agencies Are there In The UK?

There are currently over 25,000 marketing companies in business, right now in the United Kingdom. From small boutique agencies, through to big, full-service marketing agencies. That number doesn’t seem so steep when you learn that there are over 1.93 billion websites out there!

When Did Digital Marketing Start?

The phrase “Digital Marketing” was initially coined in the 1990s. The internet and the creation of the Web 1.0 platform ushered in the digital age. The Web 1.0 platform allowed users to locate the information they were looking for but did not allow them to share it with others.

How Does Digital Marketing Differ From Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing is a strategy in which marketers identify their target demographic and position advertisements where they would see, hear, or engage with them offline, such as print ads, billboards, or television commercials. Digital marketing is done online and includes, among other things, paid or organic advertisements on social media or search engines, email marketing, influencer marketing, and video marketing.

What Does A Digital Marketing Agency Do?

Digital marketing companies are often in charge of increasing brand exposure and lead generation using all available digital platforms, both free and paid. Social media, the company’s own website, search engine rankings, email, display advertising, and the company’s blog are among these channels.

How Many Digital Marketing Channels Are There?

Any marketing endeavour that uses online media and the internet via linked devices like mobile phones, computers, iPads is referred to as digital marketing. Common digital marketing strategies revolve around distributing a brand message via search engines, social media, apps, email, and websites.

Some common digital marketing channels include:

  • Social Media
  • Websites/Blogs
  • Email Marketing
  • Omni-channel Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Podcast Marketing

What Are Digital Agencies?

A digital agency employs a team of professionals that specialise in cutting-edge digital marketing tactics. Instead of traditional marketing methods such as newspaper advertisements and billboards, they provide services centred on the use of technology, allowing you to connect and interact with your target audience anywhere in the world.

Here are a few digital services that a digital agency might offer:

Development Services

  • Website building
  • Website maintenance and hosting
  • Platform and data migration
  • CRM implementation

Design Services

  • User testing & personas
  • UI design
  • UX design
  • Wire framing and prototyping
  • Graphic print design
  • Website design
  • Animations

Marketing Services

  • Content creation
  • Digital marketing campaigns
  • Branding
  • Marketing personas
  • Paid media
  • Lead nurturing
  • SEO

Strategy Services

  • Market and competitive research
  • CRM & sales funnel strategy
  • UX consulting
  • Marketing strategy
  • Brand positioning & messaging
  • Automation

Which Company Is Best For Digital Marketing?

AIM Internet understands that the Internet is about measurement, which is why we have our very own AIM marketing process. This consists of a checklist in excess of 100 data points evolved over 25 years to ensure our clients have the best possible chance of quality website traffic. Quality website traffic means increased conversions. We know how to sell your products and services online successfully.We’re able to guide you on what works and what doesn’t with a fair degree of certainty, in order to deliver growth and return on investment.

How Much Does A Digital Marketing Agency Charge?

Fundamentally, your internet marketing plan should be viewed as a cost of sale rather than an overhead. It is critical for business owners to grasp the significance and influence of digital marketing. This is due to the fact that lucrative sales generation is the key to online success. A productive and well-planned business will have a thorough understanding of its gross profit. More crucially, understanding the amount of money available to pay out of that gross profit.

What Does Digital Marketing Include? 

Source: Smart Insights

How Does Digital Marketing Work?

Digital marketing works by integrating multiple strategies that strive to achieve a single goal. The objective is to increase traffic to your business, whether it is online or offline. The goal is to turn a one-time visitor into a repeat and loyal consumer.

Why Is Digital Marketing Important?

Potential customers can be found online in far bigger numbers than you would ever be able to attract locally. It’s possible to reach a worldwide audience with digital marketing tactics that are cost-effective, scalable, and quantifiable.

Some of the key benefits of digital marketing include:

  • Personalisation is easier with digital marketing since you can target the correct audience at the right moment. The opportunity to engage with prospects and learn exactly what it is they are searching for, for a better understanding of your customer!
  • Because digital has no geographical limits, it allows you to reach out to anybody and everywhere.
  • Personalisation is easier with digital marketing since you can target the correct audience at the right moment.
  • Communicate with your prospects throughout the purchase process.
  • Spend less money to reach more customers.
  • Learn about your target demographic and encourage engagement to build brand loyalty.
  • Easily and rapidly track and measure reactions to your marketing initiatives.

How Does Digital Marketing Influence Customers?

Digital marketing offers a range of business benefits, such as enhanced brand awareness, improved customer experience, and demonstrable return on investment. From the consumer’s perspective, digital marketing provides ease and convenience without jeopardising privacy.

How Does Digital Marketing Help Small Businesses?

Small businesses are more likely to act on leads and conversions, digital marketing can help assist businesses in connecting with prospective customers and growing their brands.

Small businesses can benefit from digital marketing by:

1. Increasing awareness: By reaching out to potential customers via digital marketing, you can establish a presence that is relevant to their requirements and interests.

2. Obtaining leads: By using digital marketing to target certain demographics and interests, you can contact potential leads who are most likely to convert into customers for your company.

3. CRM (customer relationship management) software: This software assists your company in tracking all of its contacts with customers and gives tools for managing those connections. The programme also keeps you up to date on the newest consumer behaviour trends, and feedback analysis is used to optimise future customer encounters.

Why Is Digital Marketing Important For A Small Business?

The benefits of digital marketing for small businesses include the ability to:

1. Reach new customers: By using digital marketing to reach potential customers, you can reach a new audience that could be interested in your products or services. You can also use the leads you acquire to sell your business further and create leads for your cold-calling campaign.

2. Track conversion rates: By measuring conversion rates for each lead, you can determine the success of your digital marketing initiatives and how effectively they are reaching their goals. This data is useful for identifying areas for improvement and making long-term plans.

3. Build brand recognition: By creating a presence on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, you can build brand recognition with existing customers who already know your company’s name.This can help you raise brand recognition among new clients as well as existing customers who are looking for new products or services that will better meet their needs than previously.

How Can Digital Marketing Help To Grow Your Business?

Digital marketing helps your business in several ways, like by providing:

  • Measurable methods for tracking the success of various strategies and channels.
  • Actionable data for improving the performance of strategies, like an ad campaign
  • Cost-effective ways to generate leads and sales.
  • Low entry cost for developing a strategy or channel.
  • User insights to improve targeting and promotional activities.

In brief, digital marketing provides your company with a transparent channel for evaluating and reviewing the effectiveness of its marketing and advertising activities. Not to mention that it creates a fair and cost-effective playing field for your business to compete on.

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