Social Media Marketing – Choose The Right Platforms

Social media marketing is perceived as a target based way of advertising. Therefore, it is believed to be very effective in creating essential brand awareness. At our leading Digital Agency, as Social Media Specialists, we have helped many business over the years throughout the West Midlands including Kidderminster. With our over 30 years experience, we love helping businesses grow. Therefore, we wanted to share some social media knowledge. 

Social media marketing refers to techniques that target social networks and applications to spread brand awareness or to promote particular products.

Social media marketing campaigns usually centre around;

  • Establishing a social media presence on the major platforms available.
  • Creating shareable content and advertorials.
  • Cultivating customer feedback throughout a campaign via surveys and contests.

So you have a flourishing business and you want to dip your toe into social media marketing, where do you start? First of all, what is the social media marketing definition? Do you have an understanding of what it is and what it can do for your business?

Related: FREE Beginners Guide to Social Media

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    Social Media Marketing – Then & Now

    Where It All Began

    Social media began with the dawn of the World Wide Web around ten years ago. After that, it has grown at a staggering rate (a massive understatement if ever there was one) ever since. People were realising its vast potential, after all it’s not called the World Wide Web for nothing. Just imagine how difficult it was before the inception of the Internet to advertise your business or product on a national level never mind globally. Now, at the touch of a few keyboard buttons your business or product is visible around the world for relatively low costs.


    Where It Is Today

    The readily available social media apps and platforms are endless. For instance, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest to name just a few. It’s safe to say that social media marketing is a growth industry and not a passing fad; it is definitely here to stay. Millions of people around the world are logging into these applications on a daily basis – sometimes numerous times a day. So, it doesn’t take much imagination to see the potential for expanding your business through social media. If you use these platforms, you are able to reach an unbelievably large audience, all of who are potential customers.

    If you’re reading this, then you’re on the way to tapping into an ever-growing market. Additionally, you need to make use of it sooner rather than later. After all, unless your product is unique to you or your business, others will be getting in on the act.

    If you own a small business or are a start up business you may have concerns about the cost of your social media marketing. But, do not worry, there is a mountain of information on the internet on this exact subject and a plethora of sites willing to help you get started.


    Which Social Media Platform Is Right For My Business?

    This is a very important question. You need to look at your business and define your target audience, if you have one. For instance, 60% of snapchat users are under 24 years old. Therefore, if you think your product is suitable for that age range then go for it. If the reverse is true and your product is aimed at an older market then perhaps Facebook has a better profile for you. This is because 25 to 55 age group accounts for 32% of Facebook users. Statistics also show that this slightly older age group visit their Facebook page several times a day.

    If your company is female focused, then Pinterest is a significant social media platform. 42% of women online are Pinterest users. In addition, in this instance, age is of no significance as no one age group is dominant. If your product has a strong visual image then this is the perfect platform for your business.


    Choosing The Right Social Media Platform

    If you are looking to use multiple platforms to market your products then it is very important to pick the ones most suited to your demographic.

    Also, you should seriously consider the time and cost involved in maintaining the platforms you choose. Two or three carefully chosen and well run, social media marketing campaigns will make for better returns. In comparison to having lots that cannot be maintained and kept relevant.

    In conclusion, don’t be put off by the amount of information out there, decide what social media platforms are best for your company and get cracking, as it certainly doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.


    Digital Agency Birmingham | Social Media Specialists

    If you would like help understanding the social media marketing and how it can help your business, please get in touch with AIM Internet. Call Mike for more information on 0207 856 0418 or email her today on AIM Internet is a digital agency and an expert in social media marketing, helping businesses grow in Kidderminster and the West Midlands. We specialise in online business and business growth, it’s in our favour for your business to succeed. So what are you waiting for?

    Take a look at our unique Tools AIM Growth, AIM Design, AIM Social and AIM marketing to see how they can assist you grow your business and help you meet your objectives.

    If you found this blog useful, take a look at a previous one: Common cock-ups that can ruin your business Or How Do You Create Successful Social Media Content?

    Social Media Marketing | Choose The Right Platforms | AIM

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