How To Create An Internal Linking Strategy Perfect For SEO

How To Create An Internal Linking Strategy Perfect For SEO

Internal links not only improve SEO, but they’re also easy to implement as they belong to you. It’s far easier to create an internal link on your own site, than to have to ask another host to guest post or appear in their link round up.

Do You Have Topically Relevant Content?

Do You Have Topically Relevant Content?

As search engines are much smarter today, as marketers we have to be smarter with our strategies and create topical content which is in-depth, quality information on that subject.

How To Audit Your Website Content

How To Audit Your Website Content

A content audit is one of the best investments of your time when it comes to improving your website and adding value to your audience.

How To Optimise For E-A-T And YMYL 

How To Optimise For E-A-T And YMYL 

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority & Trust. Google uses E-A-T to determine the quality of a webpage. When crawling the content of a page it should be clear what the purpose of the page is, this is a big determining factor for page quality rating. 

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